Perippa Teh Ripper tu

One day my English teacher said we were all fafgots and let us go home early. I was bored so I went to a garage sale where I found a man with herpes selling dildos. I couldn't afford a dildo, so I got Parappa 2. He shouted at me and said "If you don't buy a dildo by 1am you will turn into one". I called him Justin Beiber and ran off.
When I got home, I put it in my PS3 because I got mine 2006 because I was a spoilt fuck then and still a spoilt fuck now. Before I played I got up and got some Doritos and Mountain Dew. When I played it, I got a boner because it was so cool.
My brother came in. He saw me play and he wanted to play as well. We played multiplayer and I kicked his ass at it because he has a midget dick. It was late, so we had to go to bed like any little moron would do.
It was 12pm and we were still awake. My brother got up and said "sleeping is gay" so we got downstairs and played Parappa 2. However, I noticed that everything was bleeding in the game. The characters were bleeding. The buildings were bleeding. The ground was bleeding. The TV was bleeding. We shrugged it off. At 12:59pm, PATRIXX and skeleton popped up and told us we were morons. So they turned us into living and breathing dildos.
Our mom got up and said "Dildos! Yay!" and she stuck us up her vagina.